God Pardon

Of it are pr inside, when is not allowed to matter? things? that they will go to dilacerar the heart and the mind leaving us impotent. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש אבי קושניר צודק במה בהוא אומר. When if it speaks in mattering, that is, to bring for inside of me, things that come in form of verbal language when if receives cursed words, verbal aggressions or, of not verbal form that is for a same gesture or for a physical aggression. In way to a done world of illusions is lived a mental confusion e, how much time if it loses with unfruitful thoughts or how much time if it loses keeping to hurts, renting a great space in the mind? How much time leads to pardon somebody that made in them to suffer? To exactly pardon me for the received offence? to pardon does not mean to forget the fact, therefore, to live always will go in them to send to the past, is description-social beings, but, to remember the fact without if consuming in you distress. This is to pardon. %D7%94%D7%99%D7%95%D7%9D-%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%93%D7%99%D7%95-%D7%97%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%94-%D7%95%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A7%D7%93-%D7%A1%D7%91%D7%99%D7%91%D7%AA%D7%99-%D7%A9%D7%94%D7%97%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%94-%D7%AA%D7%AA%D7%97/441148356306385/'>שלומי בסון אוזן קשבת . This is to sharpen the instrument. It does not have an end for the growth possibilities and emotional development and spiritual and, some people say that pass the time that to pass, but, ' ' I go vingar' '. Consequently, the more if he thinks about the fact, more hatred will create.

' ' Irai you and you do not sin; if &#039 does not put the sun on your anger; '. It can be thought that due to this pardon it is lived in a mediocre society. Without affection. Full of diffidence and preconceptions. Without faith. when it is said in faith is not only in God, but, faith in itself proper, in the capacity of being able to redeem, reliable and of wanting a welfare. It is if losing the time to love run-it runs, it frantic in search of the wind has left the man without route.


Langacker, in its book the language and its structure, writes that If to define thought as conscientious activity, we can first observe that thought, or at least certain types of thought, can exist completely independent of the language. The example simplest is music. In a similar way, to if discovering suddenly that two parts of a completed puzzle separately adjust one to the other, a person that is absorbed in its solution does not carry through no linguistic act, even so can after that exclamar: ' ' Ah! This must be incased here! ' ' It is therefore difficult to understand why certain people support to be impossible the thought without the language. Here it is what Sapir says, for intermediary of J. Budin, regarding the words: ' ' Wraps of the thought are adjusted that enclose thousand of diverse experiences and are capable, still, to englobar thousand of outras.' ' adds the master: ' ' We think, therefore, by means of symbols, symbols that constitute concepts, using those that familiar and are adjusted to each situation. The most used they are the words, precious instruments in the intercommunication. We think, in general, by means of musical words, what it does not hinder the use of mathematical symbols, notations, colors, lines, etc.' ' As the perception of the child is inferior in its first years, hardly it would obtain to distinguish what she thinks of what perceives and what makes, since its concepts are on what it ' ' she makes to objects and what the objects produce in it ' '. Thus, the child, during much time, always speaks in high voice, following the words of appropriate actions. ' ' In puts down Piaget, seems that the sprouting of the language extends the possibilities of the child, providing to it a series of operations that really exceed the limits of sensrio-motor intelligence.

The Other

This common interest age completely concrete, if detia only in the object. For perhaps or its proper device, the man got tools make possible that to construct it its proper habitation and there it sheltered its family, the first and more primitive species of society; Rousseau does not clarify in them duly as if it formed the family, in only says that &#039 to them; ' the habit of living together made to be born candies more feelings porventura known by the men, the conjugal love and the love paterno.' ' 8 However, we could question if this ' to live junto' it would be enough to support the similarity and blood relations, and if it is not enough what more rejection increased to this condition. The first representations of civil society had had origin in the private property when somebody was take fancied more of something than the others and took to it for itself as if always he had been its; more than this, when the other individuals had noticed this ownership and had conceived that it was legitimate. So that it had a lasting relation between the men, something that a meeting in the forest lasted more than, one snarled low one or acasalamento night, were necessary that they communicated themselves. 9%D7%95%D7%9D-%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%93%D7%99%D7%95-%D7%97%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%94-%D7%95%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8-%D7%A2%D7%9C-%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A7%D7%93-%D7%A1%D7%91%D7%99%D7%91%D7%AA%D7%99-%D7%A9%D7%94%D7%97%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%94-%D7%AA%D7%AA%D7%97/441148356306385/'>שלומי בסון ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. If they would not go to coexist age necessary not to be communicated, and the language would not have reason of being. But they would go to coexist! First in the islands, where the meeting coincidence was greater that in the continents, there the joined men had finished for forming nations which no law instituted, but equal ' ' sort of life and foods and for the common influence of clima' ' 9 Already established, exactly that precariously, the society needed to remain itself, and the conveniences and comparisons had formed the consideration idea. All individual wanted to be considered, and as consequence almost inevitable, all innocence of the good savage was corrupted. . לא תמיד אבי קושניר.


The Gestalt, that has its cradle in the Europe, appears as a human negation of the spalling of the actions and processes, carried through for the trends of the scientific Psychology of century 19, claiming the necessity of if understanding the man as a totality. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל נפתלי בנט אוזן קשבת . The Gestalt is on theoretical trend to the philosophy. The Psychoanalysis, that is born with Freud in Austria, from the practical doctor, recoups for psychology the importance of the affectivity and claims unconscious as to the object of study, breaking the tradition of Psychology as science of the conscience and the reason. Main Landmarks of the History of Psychology: 400 B.C. – Hipcrates relates characteristics of the personality with physical types and considers a physiological theory for the insanities.

350 B.C. – salient Aristotle the comment objetive of the human behavior and considers three principles to explain the association of ideas. 1650 – Discardings characterize the relation body – mind as interactiva. 1651 – Hobbes anticipates the associationism to declaring that the ideas come from the sensorial experience. 1690 – Locke declares that to the rising the mind is one ' ' board rasa' '. 1781 – Kant attacks the associationism and the inatista perspective.

He goes to influence philosophers and psychologists deeply. 1809 – Gall, through the frenologia, calls the attention for the mental facultieses and the cerebral functions. 1811-21 – Bell and Magendia: distinction between sensorial nerves and motor nerves. 1838 – Johanes Muller: demonstration of the specific energy of the nerves. 1850 – Helmholtz measures the levels of conduction of the nervous impulses. 1853 – Claude Bernard establishes the existence of endcrinas glands, presenting the glicognica function of the liver. 1859 – Darwin publishes the Origin of the Species, considering the theory of the evolution through the natural seleco. 1860 – Fechner presents some methods to measure the relation between the physical stimulatons and the sensations. ' ' Elements of Psicofsica' ' . 1861 – Drill discovers a center of the language in the left hemisphere of the cortex. 1869 – Galton studies the individual differences and applies the concept of selective adaptation of Darwin to the evolution of the races. 1879 – Deep Wundt the first Laboratory of Psychology in Leipzig. 1882 – Deep Stanley Hall the first Laboratory of Psychology in U.S.A. 1885 – Ebbinghaus publishes the first experimental studies on the memory. 1890 – William James publishes in U.S.A. the book Principles of Psychology. 1898 – Thorndike develops some of the first experimental studies on the animal learning. 1900 – Freud published ' ' The Interpretation of the Sonhos' ' , where it presents many of its interpretations on the psychoanalysis. 1905 – Binet and Simon develop the first test of intelligence. 1906 – Pavlov publishes the results of its studies on the classic conditioning. 1911 – Thorndike publishes ' ' Intelligence&#039 animal; '. 1912 – Wertheimer publishes the first formularization of the gestalt psychology. 1913 – Watson presents the behaviorista manifesto. 1917 – Khler it publishes the results of its studies on the resolution of problems with primate. 1929 – Berger evidences the electric activity of the brain with the register of the first electroencefalogramas. 1938 – Skinner publishes the summary of the results of the inquiries on the operative conditioning. 1942 – Carl Rogers presents the beddings of the conception therapy humanist. 1949 – Theory of the Information of Shannon and Weaver. 1954 – Piaget publishes the Construction of the Real in the Child, who if centers in the cognitivo development.

The Illness

Later it caught the personal clothes and it extended in the bed as if they were for being vendidas. Tired I already of as much arrumao decided: he is there that I must leave mine I smell that is so that it sees that the house is mine. אל דאגה אינטל הוא האיש הנכון . I did not only give luck, badly I finished to demarcate territory and it made one fuzu ruined. The result is that I was placed imprisoned in the yard and of this fatdico day in ahead not miais I had permission to enter in the rooms. Vi an owner of the house to cry many times feeling lack, however of the children, however of the grandsons. When it cried, I was acariciando and ronronando for it until it to be calm. Vi the exchange, changes of employees, gardener, piscineiros, vi fight with laborers and vi when they had wanted to strangle an architect I was the first one to step on in the room to walk where the laborers, only of sacanagem had underneath arrested, me of the wooden floor, good pregadinho, but my owner looked for me and when she perceived ordered to pull out an enormous part of the wooden floor alone to apanhar me. But worse it was when I was all yellow of jaundice, equal to my owner.

I felt that it was passing very badly and tried to take off the illness of it. I only obtained a little, but it was the sufficient so that it did not need to eat capim for the root. It was operated in time and I was interned in the clinic. E, accurately, in the day where it received from the hospital I high I decided to take my first bath of language to show that also it had escaped to eat capim for the root. The life in the house after the exit of the girls was very stop.